Reach out to Arclight Painting's team of experts in house painting in Bothell, WA and the surrounding areas.
If you need professional residential house painting in Bothell, WA, you can count on Arclight Painting. We back up our professional residential painting services with an ironclad five-year warranty. You can rest easy knowing your painter from Arclight Painting will be prompt, courteous, and attentive to detail because we thoroughly vet painters and perform background checks.
Arclight Painting is a female and veteran-owned company with a great reputation for premium exterior and interior painting services.
Your home's exterior represents the pride you take in home ownership. It is the face that your home presents to the world. Make every square foot of your home's exterior look clean and inviting with durable paints that withstand the elements.
Arclight Painting does more than add a fresh coat of paint. We help customers in the Bothell community find joy and purpose in their homes. We recognize that owning a home is both an achievement and a responsibility.
Arclight Painting professionals give every paint job the same dedication they would show to their own homes. Whether you are starting a family, putting your home on the market, or simply enjoying the quiet comforts of the house, you deserve the best residential house painting in Bothell, WA.
The inside of your home should establish a comfortable, inviting, and organized space for your guests and family members to enjoy life. The different colors in your interior design concept should catch your visitor's eye without overwhelming the decor. Careful painting, without drips or blemishes, using the right combinations of color and finish, is the secret to a subtle yet stunning home makeover or remodeling project.
The expert painters at Arclight Painting have the experience needed to give your home a new, exciting look. With Arclight Paintin, you'll love your new paint job.
Imagine the reaction of your friends and neighbors when you show off your rejuvenated house. Think of the memories you and your family will share within those freshly painted walls. A remarkable home is within your reach when you hire Arclight Painting, the premier residential house painter in Bothell, WA.
Call the fully licensed and insured team of residential and commercial painting professionals at Arclight Painting for a free estimate in Bothell, WA.
Greg was amazing to work with and he did such a great job with the cabinets. You can tell the man has a passion for the work and it shows in the cabinet details. The best part was the walk through to make sure any minor items were taken care of before the project was completed.
Sterling Chung
Stop shopping just on price for your paint job and remember to value the care and quality of the job being done and the customer service provided. Did my job go perfectly? Nearly. What was more important was that ArcLight was attentive and made sure that everything was right in the end. Good price. Excellent value.
Scott Huston
The team at Arclight did a great job planning and painting our upstairs walls and ceilings after we had to make drywall repairs. Their prices were very fair, they were always on time, and they were both professional and fun to talk with. The paint looks great and they completed the project a day early, too!
Chad Sowald
Home improvement projects go quickly and smoothly with the right experience and equipment. Save time and energy by bringing in the talented Arclight Painting team, the go-to for expert house painting in Bothell, WA. Our team tackles interior and exterior painting jobs, large and small.
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